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Write a 700- to 1,050-word journal entry from the perspective of your the juvenile offender. below Address the following in your assignment:

· Describe the process the juvenile will follow after arrest-from intake, through court, sentencing, and punishment or rehabilitation from the perspective of the offender. Consider any accommodation necessary for juveniles with special needs. The process should be based on actual state laws and practices of your state or a state with which you are familiar.

· Include a brief corrections plan created in the mode most appropriate for the level of offense, such as a recommendation memo to Child Protective Services or the school principal for a status offense, a letter to judge regarding sentencing for a non-violent offense, a proposal for a community intervention strategy, or a report to corrections for a violent offender.

Juvenile offender case study to bas paper on


Xander L. is a 17-year-old African American male and documented gang member. His prior juvenile adjudications include purse snatching, breaking and entering, and drug possession. His first juvenile adjudication occurred when he was 13 years old. He has served a year of custody in the juvenile correctional facility and has been placed on probation twice previously. His instant arrest is for possession of a concealed weapon, to which he has pled guilty.

Xander lives with his mother in Section 8 housing. He reports no contact with his father. His mother presently works two jobs. Although she is supportive of him, and Xander reports a close relationship with his mother, she does not approve of his conduct. In the past, she has reported him to the police. Xander indicates that he has dropped out of high school, but would like to get his general equivalency diploma to make his mother proud.

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  • Reference No.:- M92390879
  • Price:- $10

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