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Write a 3-4-page assessment in which you examine how advertising manipulates emotions, particularly fear.


Search for research articles that examine how advertising appeals to our emotions, in particular, our fears.

Watch the following three types of advertising messages. Try to watch more than one example of each type of advertising. Make notes about the overall message and tone.

To make this more time efficient, you may consider watching ads on YouTube. Search for the type of ad, and then use the filter to narrow your results. For example, you can narrow the political ads results by filtering for ads from this year.

Political advertising.

Public health advertising.

Commercial advertising.


After watching the ads, complete your assessment. Include the following:

Describe the overall tone of each type of ad. What emotion is the ad trying to arouse?

Describe the behavior the ad is seeking to encourage.

Apply one theory or concept to explain why appealing to fear can be highly effective.

What social conditions foster fearfulness?

Explain how individual perceptions and experiences perpetuate fearfulness.

Your completed assessment should be 3-4 pages in length, excluding title page and reference page, and use references from at least two scholarly resources.

Be sure to follow APA guidelines for format and style.

Additional Requirements

Include a title page and reference page.

At least three current scholarly or professional resources.

APA format.

Times New Roman font, 12 point.

Double spaced.

Homework Help/Study Tips, Others

  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92389853
  • Price:- $30

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