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Working on my final paper and need help with a paragraph. Also having a difficult time to find scholarly resources to cite since many are too specific. Here is the paragraph prompt and attached you will find the family scenario.

Grandmother Ella has had cancer for years now and has followed alternative remedies from the time she was first diagnosed. Ella had a period of remission; however, the cancer returned and has metastasized to her bones, liver, and lungs. She is in the hospital after collapsing from weakness. She is being released from the hospital as she wishes to spend her last days and months at home. Ella has her preferences for care, though she is now so weak that she has given up in many ways. The family members are each experiencing their own fears and are grieving as they face the loss that will occur when Ella's life ends. Ella feels stressed by the discord and discomfort of family members.

Discuss the relevant medical issues and the advantages and disadvantages of hospital versus home. In this case, when discussing medical issues use appropriate medical terminology.

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  • Reference No.:- M92375827
  • Price:- $15

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