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With the advent of various technological advancements, law enforcement efforts in the investigation and prosecution of crime have been met with positive results.

However, with every advantage comes a disadvantage.

Criminals have also benefited from these technologies and use the same advancements that law enforcement employs during the commission of their crimes,

or as a tool for their crimes (this is evidenced in computer-related offenses and the misuse of the internet).

In a 3 - 4 page paper (excluding title and reference pages), address the following areas in full detail:

summarize the advantages of computers/software and the use of computer technology in investigations,

summarize the disadvantages to law enforcement with respect to the advancements of computers,

research a case where the computer was used to aid in the commission of a crime,

research a case where the use of the computer was beneficial to the prosecution in a criminal case, and

provide a final conclusion/paragraph that addresses your subjective opinion as to whether these technologies, in an overall sense,

are of benefit or a hindrance to law enforcement efforts.

3-4 Sources

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92363946
  • Price:- $40

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