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Who are Environmental Health Professionals?

Environmental Health (EH) professionals perform a wide array of include those who monitor air quality, water and noise pollution, control for toxic substances and pesticides, conduct restaurant inspections and promote healthy land use and housing. Environmental Health (EH) professionals perform research on a variety of topics including environmental toxins, communicable disease outbreaks, human health impacts of environmental catastrophes such as Hurricane Katrina and more. They are best known for their efforts to ensure safe food, water, air quality and sanitary conditions. The increase in environmental health threats such as E. coli outbreaks, and the emergence of new threats such as the West Nile Virus, SARS, bio/agro-terrorism (intentional tainting of food) and the human health impacts of environmental catastrophes such as 9/11 exemplify the ever-increasing need for a well trained environmental health workforce.

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  • Reference No.:- M9531561

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