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When developing a marketing plan, it is important to understand that health care consumers differ from consumers in other markets. One of the greatest distinctions is that health care consumers are often not the ones to select the products or services they are purchasing. Instead, doctors or other health care providers decide what services or products consumers need. This means that when marketing in health care, organizations should consider both the consumer and the provider. For this Discussion, you examine buying behaviors of health care consumers in the following scenario and recommend strategies to market a drug product.

Describe one individual and one industry consumer for the prescription drug product in the provided scenario. Analyze buying behaviors and characteristics of these consumers. Then, recommend strategies to market this product to the consumers you identified. Include strategies for the different stages of the product's life cycle. Defend or argue your recommendations.

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92372970
  • Price:- $10

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