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Culture and tourism are no longer considered as being separate entities, undertaken by distinct social groups at specific times but rather, the barriers between culture and tourism are fast disappearing. However, inspite of globalization, culture shock is one of the most recognized difficulties encountered by travelers to foreign cultures

(a) What do you understand by cultural homogenization especially in the context of globalization?

(b) Critically discuss the main physical and psychological symptoms of culture shock

(c) Discuss and evaluate the different stages of culture shock that a traveler has to go through when experiencing a new culture


Since the time Kenya became a leading tourist destination in Africa in the1970s, it has come under increasing pressure from Westernization (Evaristus, 2004). The ways in which local communities such as the Massai Tribes have been affected by and responded to the influences of Westernization gives an indication that the Massai tribes indeed suffered changes over time

(a) Several tourism impact studies indicate that residents are not homogenous in their attitudes regarding tourism development (Milman, 2004). With an appreciation of this statement, outline 5 negative socio-cultural impacts that may have influenced the Massai tribes to start resenting tourism

(b) Successful tourism management requires knowledge of exactly who the cultural tourists are and an understanding of their motivations. As a tourism planner, explain how you would protect the culture of the Massai tribes whilst encouraging cultural tourism in Africa


Describe the term culturally responsible behaviour and explicitly discuss the attributes and ways to promote the main attributes of such behaviour in the tourism context


The Mauritius Tourism Promotion Authority (MTPA) recently organised the Carnival of Flic-en-Flac. As a matter of fact, festivals, meetings and events, collectively known as FMEs, are emerging at many destinations. However, host communities usually bear the burden of FMEs as they are required to accept the latter's activities, open their doors to welcome the intrusion and gaze of the visitor, and to pay for the costs of the additional infrastructure and pressure on essential resources required to host them

(a) With reference to the above event, discuss four negative socio-cultural impacts of FMEs, substantiate your answers with examples as far as possible

(b) Discuss two ways in which a community approach to sustainable FME management is beneficial to the host community and other stakeholders

Homework Help/Study Tips, Others

  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M9134343

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