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The company that I choose is Apple. Apple, Inc is a well-known name in the computer technology world; Apple, Inc leads the computer industry in innovation thanks to the award winning desktop and notebook computer known as OS X operating system.

Apple Inc. is a multinational Corporation based in the United State of America. The company focuses on consumer electronic products, such as the manufacture of personal computers (PC) and computer software, media players, mobile phones, computer hard wares, and accessories among others. The company was founded in April, 1976 in Cupertino, California, by Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs as Apple Computer Inc. Apple Computer Inc. co-founders were 26 and 21 years old respectively by then and had just dropped out of college when they started building boxes that allowed a long distance communication without any charges. Since then, Apple Computer Inc. has evolved to be the leading company in developing high quality consumer electronics products. The company focuses on manufacturing and designing electronics and other related consumer software products (Abilla 98).Growth PatternsSince inception in 1976, despite the stiff market, the company has made a tremendous growth in offering world class software, Internet settings, and hardware across the world. This is in line with the companys perspectives of offering best computing experience to students, creative professionals, educators, and consumers. At the start, they only concentrated on making personal computers, but the name Apple Computers Inc. in 2007 was dropped from the corporate name. This was done to reflect the extensive growth that had been achieved by the company in terms of venturing the consumer electronics away from its traditional personal computers market. In the United States, Apple has cultivated high customers loyalty as most of them are devoted to the brand and the company in general. The most notable hardware sold by the company for personal computers includes the Macintosh hardware product for portable media players, such as the iPod and the iPhone. The Mac OS X and the life suite for multimedia are some of the notable software product from Apple. Moreover, Apple has used debentures to boot its financial status, thus enabling it to penetrate into stiff market.MilestonesIt is worth noting that the company.

Strategic management is a continuous process that directs an organization to be appropriately suited to its internal and external environment. Strategic management benefits organizations by providing personnel, capital, helps to set standards and most importantly activates people. For an organization to have a successful strategic management plan, the mangers must learn to think strategically and have the ability to evaluate their environment and develop new ideas. Steve Jobs one of the founding fathers of Apple Inc used strategic planning to his advantage by making Apple's mission a simple one- bringing easy to use computers to the general market, revolutionizing the computer market. 

In 2007, after thirty years, the organization changed its name from Apple Computer to Apple Inc., this was a significant move because the organization became more independent, and it was no longer known as a vendor to Macintosh personal computer line (Yoffie & Slind, 2008). This strategic move paid off; a year and half later, Apple Inc.'s third quarter net profit of $1.07 billion on a $7.46 billion in revenue (Yoffie & Slind, 2008)

Apple Inc's products sales was generally increasing throughout the first quarter of 2006 to the first quarter of 2014. On the one hand, it has increased its revenue from about 14 billion US dollars to more than 170 billion US dollars in 2013. All in all, the company is highly successful corresponding to its products' development and their sales growth in world's market.

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92376249
  • Price:- $30

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