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What are the differences and similarities between ethical finance and Islamic finance? Give examples of ethical finance funds and how they select their investments?

1. I want to have knowledge of the facts and understand the related facts in a broader context about the mechanism of both ethical finance and Islamic finance, how they work.

2. I will appreciate if this is backed by more references, preferably 5 references;

3- How can I structure these ideas in an essay that have the following:

• Introduction/ Abstract

One paragraph as a condensed summary to the beginning of the paper under the title "Abstract/ Introduction"

• Literature review:

With summarized major ideas and references.

State the idea about the subject matter showing the basic theory and background about both ethical finance and Islamic finance with comparisons and contrasts.

Synthesize the ideas obtained and add some evaluation and comments.

Give more detail on the topic with formulas, numerical examples, cases from both with comparisons and contrasts.

• Arguments, formulas or examples in support of your statement

Supported arguments that pays attention to reasons, numerical examples and cases and weighs arguments in favor and against a the stated facts. Elaborate and focus numerical examples with formulas,cases comparisons, graphics and statistics that help in showing what is meant keeping in mind that the controversial subject matter which has its equivalence in the ethical and Islamic finance.

• Conclusion:

Arguments supporting the statement to balance the arguments for and against this conclusion with comparison and contrast. What precautionary measures should Islamic financial institutions take to avoid non-compliance with Sharia showing the contribution of Islamic finance to the financial system and the economy at large.

• Opinion:
It is appropriate to add an assessment or opinion

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M91722334
  • Price:- $30

Priced at Now at $30, Verified Solution

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