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West and the World by kevin Reilly

In his last chapter, Kevin Reilly makes some important points about a world where the economic system is no longer based primarily on "production," as during the industrial revolution and its aftermath, but on "consumption." In fact, statistics point out that 2/3 of the world's economy is based on consumption. And much of this consumption is defined in the cultural terms of "Americanism," of the expansion originally U.S.-based businesses (McDonald's, Apple, Microsoft, Coca-Cola, etc.) and popular culture (Hollywood, the music industry, etc.).  As a result, Reilly argues that this transformation has given rise to a new view of the human, since a critical number of humans on the planet now view themselves primarily as "consumers." 

1) What are some of the "positives" and "negatives" of this new consumer-ethic, according to Reilly. Be sure to give examples from the text.

2) What is your opinion of Reilly's overall argument? Why? Please elaborate.

HR Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- HR Management
  • Reference No.:- M92368839
  • Price:- $20

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