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Vignette Analysis

A Treatment Plan for Recovery

As a part of improving skills for developing appropriate interventions, you will design a treatment plan that focuses on recovery and is appropriate for the particular client being treated.

In this assignment, shift your focus from stabilization to the recovery aspect of treatment.


Based on the information provided in the vignette, design a treatment plan for Veronica, including the following elements:


Cognitive restructuring of faulty beliefs

Insight and behavioral change

Veronica has been in treatment for a couple of months, and you are now designing a comprehensive treatment plan focused on her stabilization.

Create a 2- to 3-page plan in a Microsoft Word document describing how you will achieve the following:

Describe in narrative form how you will establish the therapeutic goals for the treatment and how you will make certain Veronica takes an active role in the identification of those goals.

Analyze and explain specific interventions that are helpful to Veronica in this stage.

Analyze and explain the therapeutic homework and the treatment for Veronica in case of acute symptoms of PTSD between sessions.

Identify and explain the specific interventions to help Veronica achieve the reconnection stage of recovery.

Analyze and explain long-term goals, short-term objectives, and the therapeutic interventions of the treatment plan.

Apply current APA standards for editorial style; expression of ideas; and format of text, citations, and references.

All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.

Attachment:- Vignette-Veronica.rar

Homework Help/Study Tips, Others

  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92367049

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