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View the Classical School of Thought in Criminology located in Criminology in the 21st Century. Imagine the following scenario: You are working in the bureau of the state's department of corrections responsible for the facilities in the state prison system.

A bill is working its way through the Criminal Justice Policy committee of the state legislature. If it passes, it would double the maximum prison term for anyone convicted of armed robbery.

However, your state is under a Federal Court Order to maintain or reduce the number of inmates being held on felony convictions. Consider policy making as it relates to criminal offenses. What recommendations would you make?

What are the reasons for your recommendations? Is this a good bill or a bad bill? Is this bill effective? Discuss the following in your collaborative group: Objectives of the bill Goals of the bill Possible solutions for the bill Justification for why the bill should be approved or not.

What recommendations would you make to the state's department of corrections, regarding the expected increase of incarcerated individuals, due to the passage of this bill? Prepare a 700-word paper summarizing your findings. Submit your individual work to the Assignment Files tab.

View the Classical School of Thought in Criminology located in Criminology in the 21st Century.

Imagine the following scenario:

You are working in the bureau of the state's department of corrections responsible for the facilities in the state prison system. A bill is working its way through the Criminal Justice Policy committee of the state legislature.

If it passes, it would double the maximum prison term for anyone convicted of armed robbery. However, your state is under a Federal Court Order to maintain or reduce the number of inmates being held on felony convictions.

Consider policy making as it relates to criminal offenses. What recommendations would you make? What are the reasons for your recommendations? Is this a good bill or a bad bill? Is this bill effective?

Discuss the following in your collaborative group:

Objectives of the bill

Goals of the bill

Possible solutions for the bill

Justification for why the bill should be approved or not.

What recommendations would you make to the state's department of corrections, regarding the expected increase of incarcerated individuals, due to the passage of this bill?

Prepare a 700-word paper summarizing your findings.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92393516
  • Price:- $10

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