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USPS: United post office.

1. Explain the organization and the department that needs changing. Explain what that change will be

The United Postal Service (USPS) is responsible for delivering 47% of the World's mail. (Who We Are, n.d) They stay ahead of the competitor by constantly looking for ways to improve operations. Their retail units make a large impact on their operation expenses and should look for other alternatives to better suit the services that the customers demand. Currently there are about 32,000 Post Office locations in the United States, however about 35 percent of the Postal Service retail revenue comes from expanded access locations. (Who We Are, n.d) Because of the changing economy and evolving working environment due to technological advances, customers require faster and more accessible ways to complete their transactions.

A significant change needs to happen within the USPS in order for it to continue to stay on top in its market. This means they should focus on limiting the number of Post Office locations and increasing the availability of its services through places that are external from the company. This can be achieved by increasing its online services and working with companies such as Walmart, Home depot, and Office Depot. (Who We Are, n.d ) By being located at locations where busy individuals are already visiting, and giving access to services at extended hours, the company is adapting to the modern day demands of the customers.

Who We Are. (n.d.). Retrieved November 19, 2016, from

2. The approach to be taken to achieve the changes in the organization. This involves determining the decision-making method: at least two sources. APA formatting: 300 words.

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92040767
  • Price:- $25

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