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Understanding IFSAC and PROBOARD PowerPoint Presentation

As the president of your state's fire chiefs' association, you have been tasked with presenting a program on training agencies. Your presentation should be designed to help problem-solve and manage the latest trends, which are voluntary certification and accreditation. However, there are some fire chiefs who have expressed that the services provided by both organizations yield great benefits to all fire departments.

This presentation should be based upon your research, utilizing the existing state training specialists of your state, the

Internet and other chief officers to help creat and move a group discussion that addresses the following:

The title of your presentation is "Understanding IFSAC and PROBOARD and their Value to the Fire Service."

Your presentation must include the following items:

Include 16-20 slides (not counting the title and reference slides).

Include title and reference slides.

Include an introduction.

Explain both organizations' approach to certification and issuing of certificates.

Explain both organizations' concept of accreditation.

Identify your state fire training agency's accredited courses and levels (if any).

Identify at least five state agencies and their accredited PROBOARD courses and levels.

Identify at least five state agencies and their accredited IFSAC courses and levels.

Identify at least two non-state agencies and their accredited PROBOARD courses and levels.

Identify at least two non-state agencies and their accredited IFSAC courses and levels.

Explain the return on investments for organization which affiliate with PROBOARD and IFSAC.

Express how career and volunteer fire departments will likely be impacted by their state fire training agency's affiliation with PROBOARD and IFSAC.

In addition, explain how networking through these affiliations can impact your department's ability to problem-solve and manage trends within the field.

Elaborate on the importance communication (technology, networking, and the Internet) to help problem-solve and manage the latest trends.

Do you feel that communication today has or has not helped the fire service problem-solve and manage trends?

Although not required, you may enhance your presentation by including photographs and other graphics.

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92375218
  • Price:- $20

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