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Two employees at a Whirlpool plant in Marion, Ohio, were ordered to perform maintenance work on overhead conveyers that carried components for the assembly of household appliances. The two employees, Virgil Deemer and Thomas Cornwell, believed the work to be unsafe and refused to perform the work. Although a screen had been constructed underneath the conveyors, several employees had fallen through the screen, one to his death. Deemer and Cornwell had expressed their concerns to their supervisor and the plant safety director, and Deemer had consulted with the a local OSHA representative. Because of the refusal to perform the work, the two employees lost six hours wages after being ordered to punch out, and written reprimands were placed in their personnel files. 

  1. Were Deemer and Cornwell justified in their actions? Do they have a right to refuse to do the work that they were ordered to do? What is the basis and justification for such a refusal?

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92367795
  • Price:- $10

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