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To answer the problems below, use the book: Out of Many, Volume-1, A History of the American People

Answers of the each of the each problem should be one page.
•    Single spaced, Times New Roman, and font size 12.
•    Each problem has sub-problems, so address each sub-problem in different paragraphs.

problem1) Trace the development of the Industrial Revolution in early 19th century America. How did life for the American workers change during the Industrial Revolution? Were workers better off under the old or new system? What role did women play in the Industrial Revolution?

problem2) Describe immigration to America during the half of 19th century. What counties supplied many of the immigrants? What were the push and pull factors associated with immigration? Where did the immigrants decide to settle in the United States? What types of discrimination did they face? How did some of the immigrants gain acceptance?

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M9386

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