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Topic: Prosecutors and Social Media

Both federal and state prosecutors perform their duties in the midst of an explosion of technology. The impact of that technology on the criminal justice system's roles and duties is amplified by the advent of social media like YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook. Together, technology and social media complicate the ethical and professional duties of prosecutors.

Beginning with the Reading & Study material, discuss the impact of these and other social media sites as it relates to the role of a prosecutor to: (1) inform the citizens of their jurisdiction about criminal activity; (2) respond to inaccurate media portrayals of criminal justice events; (3) protect the victims of crime; (4) secure an impartial jury; (5) conduct a fair trial for the accused; and (6) remain a viable candidate for re-election. (Do not confuse social media with news media or the entertainment industry.)

Please write 600 Words and include references in end of the document.

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  • Reference No.:- M91702653
  • Price:- $25

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