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Topic Paper Instructions

Choose a topic that is of personal interest and is relevant to adolescent development (suggested topics provided below). Write an informative paper that explores that topic and incorporates research to support your information.

You must have at least 5 scholarly sources which include: books, a minimum of 3 journal articles, and a maximum of 2 internet sites. Your paper must have 3-5 pages of content not including the title page, abstract, and reference page.

Write in current APA format, double-spaced with 1-inch margins, and Times New Roman 12-point font. Include a page header with page numbers.

Your organization of this paper must be as follows:

Title Page 1 page

Abstract 120-150 words (1 page)

Introduction 1-2 paragraphs

Summary 3-4 pages

Origin of Issue

Statistics and Facts

Possible Solutions

Christian Worldview of Issue

Conclusion 2-4 paragraphs

Reference Page 1 page

Suggested Topics


Peer pressure

Juvenile delinquency


Underage drinking




Blended families

Emotional development

Sexual abuse


Gender differences

Personality traits Violence in schools


Test anxiety


Self mutilation

Learning disabilities


Body image


Parental styles

Emotional intelligence

Social development

School failure

Friendships Substance abuse

Alcohol abuse


Drunk Driving


Anorexia Nervosa


Physical development

Moral development




Violence in media


Homework Help/Study Tips, Others

  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92360743
  • Price:- $40

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