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TOPIC: Home Delivered Meals for Senior Adults

What is your theoretical and research informed rationale for the service you propose. If the service already exists what are you offering that is different?

Do you need a license to provide that service?

Who will be the clients?

What will the qualifications of the staff?

What pre-service and in-service training will the staff receive?

What obstacles do you anticipate encountering with the development and implementation of the service?

How will you determine the effectiveness of the service?

How will you market the service (advertising, a logo, agreement with other agencies, etc.)?

How will you meet the needs of diverse constituents served by the service?

This must be an original proposal and may not duplicate one prepared for another course. To make sure you cover every important topic I suggest you organize your paper with the following subheadings:

Goals of the Program

Factors to consider (market considerations, laws and regulations, financing)

To what extent will your service promote aging in place?

Coordinate services with other agencies?

Provide new services?

Target different populations?

Integrate services with other agencies or programs

How will you finance your program?

Who benefits from the program

Who will perform the tasks, and what do tasks entail?

Additional information to include

Research literature and other sources:

Retrieve and read at least 10 recent peer-reviewed journal articles, government websites (not more than 3 websites) and/or book chapters on your topic.

Sources should be from 2008 to present.

Recommended databases include: PsycInfo, CINAHL (Nursing and Allied Health Literature), AgeLine, Social Work Abstracts.

Final Project should be 10-15 d ouble s paced pages, not including the title or reference page. Include page numbers. Written assignments may include exhibits or other attachments, but these will not be considered part of the page requirements. Typesetting 12pt Arial

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92367828
  • Price:- $20

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