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Topic: ey Tools for CRM

In the Chapter 10 readings, the section on "Key tools and components for CRM" describes the concepts of segmenting customers, permission marketing, cross-selling, customer defection analysis and customer value determination.

Research the internet and provide a real life example of one of these five methodologies in action. Do not use the examples provided by the book. Answer the following:

Which of these methodologies was used?

Describe the company and the situation.

Were they successful? Explain.

Topic:Measuring the Supply Chain

Research the internet and provide a real life example of a company that is using Balanced Scorecards, the SCOR model or another method of measuring their supply chain performance.

Describe the company and their supply chain.

Explain which methodology they are using and how.

Assess their success and the effectiveness of their methodology.

Topic:Dealing with Logistics Disruptions

Research the internet and describe a situation where distribution/logistics efforts failed due to an unexpected major event. Describe:

what happened,

how it impacted the logistical operations and,

what the company did to recover from the situation.

Provide recommendations on how to avoid similar disruptions in the future.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92381403
  • Price:- $30

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