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Topic: Critically discuss the role of leisure in human development using one stage in the human lifespan.

Purpose: The purporse of the essay is to assess your understanding of relationship between leisure and hman experience as well as the ability to undertake academic research and writing where you present a well-evidenced and reasoned argument.

This assessment item relates to the following course learning outcomes:

1. demonstrate an integrative understanding of the major determinants and general features of human growth and development;

2. demostrate knowledge of selected psychological theories and concepts as they apply to leisure

3. apply human growth and development theories and concepts to everyday human experiences

4. employ various theoretical perspectives to evaluate individual differences in the choices and eperience of leisure and leisure participation in general;

5. apply effective critical thinking and communication skills.

Purpose: The purporse of the essay is to assess your understanding of relationship between leisure and hman experience as well as the ability to undertake academic research and writing where you present a well-evidenced and reasoned argument.

Assessment Criteria: Five criteria will be used

- Research skills and use of sources (ie. scholarly literature)

- Knowledge and understanding

- Discussion and argument

- Writing and structure

- Referencing

Word count: 2000 words excluding referencing

A minimum of six (6) academic sources (books or journal articles) and follow the Gold Guide for essay struction and style and referencing conventions

Referencing style: Compulsory to use APA referencing

Introduction -Body -Conclusion -Reference List

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92385043
  • Price:- $70

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