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Topic- How technology impacts family interaction

Research Project: Assignment and Topics

After reading the Research Project Assignment topics, pick a topic from the list of acceptable topics. Explain why you would like to research this topic.

II. Then submit FOUR (4) research sources that you might use.

I suggest that you review the following web page for assistance with citing your sources in APA style:


At some point in the introduction include a paragraph which contains:a.An underlined, focused thesis statement.

This sentence should state the claim or argument you are making in the paper and reduce the vagueness of a general topic.

1.General: "This paper will address Communication in the alcoholic family."

Focused: Communication in the alcoholic family reflects specific roles of family members and is influenced by restrictive rules and powerful boundaries. "

2.General: "An important issue is stepfamily development & communication."

Focused: Communication patterns in stepfamilies reflect three major factors:

1) the premarital experiences of children and adults,

2) the involvement of extended family members (biological and step). and

3) the management of dyadic dialectical tensions."

b.A sentence which explicitly tells the reader the main points to be addressed.

II.Provide Subheads

Even though the paper must be 1000 words, a reader is aided by internal subheadings which serve to signpost transitions from one major topic or section to another.


You will need four scholarly articles or books (use the Virtual Library) Use APA reference style for a direct quote. Then list all references in a reference list (APA style) More information on the APA style here .

4 pages


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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92393594
  • Price:- $50

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