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Topic: An analysis of the challenge that India’s tourism board stakeholders face and manage in achieving effectiveness in brand image promotion of India as a tourist destination.

Aim and objective:

Aim: To analyse the challenges that India’s tourism board stakeholders face and manage in achieving effectiveness in brand image promotion of India as a tourist destination.

To achieve this aim, some of the objectives are:

• To analyze the role of key stakeholders in India to promote the destination
• To evaluate branding promotion effectiveness from India tourism board stakeholders perspective
• Need one more objective related to primary research

Table of Contents:

The table of contents lists the headings and sub-headings (and page numbers).

List of Figures and List of Tables:

These list figures and tables that have been used throughout the paper. Figures show information so patterns can be seen, for ex diagrams, graphs, models, etc. Tables give statistical information, numbers, counts, etc. Both tables and figures are numbered according to which chapter they appear in.


State very briefly: the aim of the research; methods of inquiry and analysis; the main findings of the study. This is generally best written when the rest of the work is complete. The abstract must be of approx. 200 words. A good abstract should be self-contained, which means that the reader must be able to understand the nature and findings of your research paper without reading the whole paper.


The Introduction should demonstrate the relevance and importance of your research. The reader should be introduced to the background of the study, the nature of the problem being discussed and why the topic was chosen. You may start from something broad and then narrow it down. A lot of detail is not needed at this stage as the coming chapters will describe that.

As part of the Introduction you should state a clear rationale,having identified a knowledge gap in the literature and demonstrate your motivation behind the particular research topic. In other words: You “should tell the reader why you feel the research…is worth the effort”.

Literature Review:

This includes comprehensive information and theories of various authors and sources. The purpose is not to describe but to critically review the literature in relation to your chosen topic. In this chapter you will set the scene for the reader while bringing you topic in a broad context. Therefore you will need to evaluate concepts, theories, models, and definitions that apply to your topic and relate to your aim.


You should address research design issues that would improve the nature of the study and its results. Which approach would you choose for your particular research, quantitative or qualitative? What data collection methods would you adopt to accomplish your objectives? State details regarding such aspects as sampling, reliability/dependability, and validity/credibility. Also reflect on the objectivity/confirmability. Do not just state for ex that a bigger sample would be better; the rationale for possible changes should be provided. You may also elaborate on the generalisability/transferability of your research findings and on how your research may be redesigned to achieve a greater span of influence on the research subjects or participants. Ethical issues and limitations concerning the data gathering process and research works in a particular company must also be discussed and specific suggestions for avoiding ethical conflicts should be proposed.


The allows you to discuss the objectives you have identified at the beginning of your research process. You must discuss what you have found and apply the concepts, theories, models to the subject of your research objectives; all theories as well as tables, figures, and statistical analyses should be referred to in this chapter.

Conclusions and Recommendations:

In this your critical evaluation is seen. You should not use any new material here. What overall conclusions can be drawn from your literature review and primary data? It is necessary to link to your aim, research problem and objectives. Have you reached your aim? Have you answered the research problem? Have you achieved the objectives? In this chapter you display originality of thought when elaborating on the significance of your findings and when linking to your arguments.


The reference section must be complete and presented in the correct format, containing all references cited in the paper. If there are references missing it is plagiarism. For sources that you opt not to cite in the paper but which you have however consulted for general information, create another list named ‘Other sources consulted’. Do not underestimate the amount of time that a reference section can take to complete and check.

Make sure you follow Harvard style throughout the paper and in the reference list.

Homework Help/Study Tips, Others

  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M9592

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