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Three employees of a department store were conversing about their futures. One employee was sharing that in just a few days, most of them would be going to part-time status because of slow sales, the economy, and health care costs. The remaining two employees seemed crestfallen. But the knowledgeable employee explained that there was something that they could do. "Get yourself fired because the money you make on unemployment will be better than part-time work here, and you can get ninety-nine weeks of unemployment. Plus, you are eligible for medical care through the government because you are unemployed. It's a better deal. It is so not worth it to keep working." When they asked how they could get fired, he had a solution: "Just don't meet your numbers. You'll be gone in no time." Analyze this scenario with at least four schools of thought on ethics, to justify or or condemn this plan and behavior. 

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M91185765

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