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This written assignment involves answering the four essay questions listed below. The answer for each of the four essay questions should be between one to two pages in length. I have attached a sample template for formatting purposes.


Essay Questions

1 Why is raising consciousness of White Collar Crime important, and what are some specific strategies that might be useful in achieving greater awareness of this type of crime?

2 Identify and discuss some of the benefits and the limitations of both the positive and the negative sanctions in response to White Collar Crime convictions.

3 Define the coercive response and deterrence as they relate to White Collar Crime, and discuss the main advantages and disadvantages of both.

4 Discuss the specific role of the following as responses to White Collar Crime cases: Just Deserts, General Deterrence, Probation, Self-regulation, Fines, Restitution, Community Service, Occupational Disqualification, Incarceration, and Corporate Dissolution.

Attachment:- essay.rar

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92361947
  • Price:- $40

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