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This week we are looking at the consumer marketing process. Several things are important when marketing to consumers - and we are lucky that there are tools available to help us.

One such tool is the VALS survey. Here is some background from the website:

Understanding customers is critical to marketing. VALS strengthens demographic characterizations by explaining the deeper psychological drivers of consumer behavior.

VALS is a consulting and consumer research service. VALS consulting provides clients with tailored marketing strategies for targeting, positioning, and communications-real-world, real-time, actionable strategies. Consumer surveys and focus groups inform our work.

VALS Benefits:

  • Gain a fresh perspective by getting "into the heads" of your customers.
  • Create richly textured consumer profiles or personas.
  • Understand the distinct communications styles of your best targets.

Ongoing training and reports strengthen personal knowledge and provide your team with a common language.

Current research focuses on how consumers around the world make decisions about their lives.

Now, Please take the survey and discuss your results and how they can be used in marketing.

Use the concepts and words from attached ppt.

Words 500-600.

Assignment Files -

Marketing Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Marketing Management
  • Reference No.:- M92389813

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