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This is your Research Project for CJ 230 Evidence Forensics. Once you read the instructions then I suggest you begin your research on one set of these specific Supreme Court Cases.

I will need the outline done first by its self then after the final draft both on different paper. you will need to submit an outline of your paper along with a list of your references.

Need this done after the outline and references page by its self you will need to submit a Final Draft of your Research Project. Research each case and identify the U.S. Supreme Court's decision and how these police related issues became a Landmark case. Discuss the circumstances surrounding the case and explain why the initial conviction was overturned and how this case made such a significant impact on the entire jurisprudence of Law Enforcement. What were some of the similarities of these cases yet how did they differ? What are your thoughts on the split decisions made from the Supreme Court Justices?

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92374318
  • Price:- $15

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