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This is for a Database Management class:

Scenario: The town's local Italian restaurant maintains the catalog for the list of food and beverage items that it provides. Apart from providing food facility at their own premises, the restaurant takes orders online through their site. Orders called in on the phone are also entertained. To deliver the orders, the restaurant hires delivery workers. Each delivery worker is assigned to a specific area code. The delivery worker cannot deliver outside their assigned area code (for every delivery worker there can be single area assigned to that worker). Customer records are maintained so that premium customers can be awarded discounts.

For this assignment, you have been contacted by one of the restaurant's managers to design and implement a computerized database system. Given the information below, which was shared with you during a preliminary interview meeting with the manager, complete the following:

  • Apply systems analysis principles for database development and indicate the most appropriate sequence of activities by labeling each of the following steps in the correct order. (For example, if you think that "Load the database" is the appropriate first stem, then label it "1.")

Normalize the conceptual model.

Obtain a general description of company operations.

Load the database.

Make a description of each system process.

Test the system.

Draw a data flow diagram and system flowcharts.

Make a conceptual model using ER diagrams.

Create the application programs.

Interview the shop manager.

  • Copy the listing above, and place your ranking number in front of the activity instead of the underline.
  • Justify your ranking selections by explaining why each step should be completed in the order you identified.

Your initial post should be a minimum of Four hundred words.

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92390128
  • Price:- $20

Priced at Now at $20, Verified Solution

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