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C.E.O. Carlos believes his corporation can be influential and should be responsible for helping to solve many social problems. Carlos believes his corporation should address problems above and beyond those actually caused by the corporation. Which of the following theories does Carlos most likely subscribe to:

Legal Positivism

Maximization of profits

Machiavellian ethics

Social responsibility.

Which is an accurate statement about the modern business corporation

A. The corporation, once approved by the state and given a corporate charter, is a legal actor and artificial "person" endowed with legal and certain constitutional rights.
B. According to the traditional, conservative, Milton Friedman, organizational view of the corporation, it is only a legal actor and has no moral or social responsibility and just must obey the law and pay taxes.
C. A true corporate code of ethics today must have some provisions that go "above and beyond" the law; that is, an ethics code cannot be a mere "restatement" of the law.
D. All of the above.

The managers of Beta, Inc in marketing Beta's products, attempt to strike a balance among profitability, legality, ethical obligations, and corporate social responsibility. The profits that Beta can realize within these limits are best characterized as





Stephanie is a successful entrepreneur but her company is not involved in any civic affairs or charitable activities in the local community. Stephanie likely is:

Liable to be sued civilly based on the principle of Legal Nonfeasance.

Immoral pursuant to the Last Resort principle for not "helping out" in the community.

Immoral pursuant to Legal Positivism.

Socially irresponsible.

Which of the following are reasons for changing moral standards in the workplace over the past several decades?

The communications "revolution"

Growing environmental problems and an awareness thereof

A proliferation of women and minorities in the workplace

All of the above.

What are some of the challenges is determining a "moral minimum wage" to be paid to one's employees in a manufacturing facility in Cambodia?

A. One must attempt to determine what the prevailing wage rate is in the pertinent labor market - both industry and geographic.
B. One must determine what the legal minimum is, if any; and if there is one whether that law is enforced by the government.
C. One must ascertain what ethical theory one is going to apply to determine what exactly the "moral minimum wage is.
D. All of the above.

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  • Reference No.:- M92503061
  • Price:- $10

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