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International terrorism may seem far removed from your sphere and community in the global scheme of things; however, international terrorism has serious consequences locally.

Radicals are often inspired by the actions of terrorists and other radical killers around the world to devise their own attacks and strikes locally.

If you were an international terrorist and plotting to carry-out an attack, how would you do it and what would it look like? What resources would you need to plan and execute the attack? Who would be the target? Why?

Where would you acquire the funding/resources to mobilize? Which part of the process do you feel you would be most vulnerable to detection by law enforcement and homeland security officials?

Please note this discussion forum regarding international terrorist attack planning is educational in nature designed solely for helping students understand more about the complexities of criminal justice issues in homeland security. Planning or conspiring to commit an act of terrorism is a federal offense.

The following is the book for this class:

Textbook: McElreath, D., et. al. (2014). Introduction to homeland security. Boca Raton,FL: Taylor & Francis Group

ISBN-13: 978-1-4398-8752-3

Homework Help/Study Tips, Others

  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92368712

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