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This is a 10-minute presentation on Aesthetics in Web Design as part of Interaction Design Class (Human Factors Course) – This is a Graduate Level Course. The grading criteria are as shown below:

1) Content of Presentation
2) Enthusiasm/Dynamism/Style
3) Use of Visual materials
4) Self-Confidence
5) Overall Effectiveness of Presentation
6) Response to the problems

Note that visuals are as well part of grading criteria, thus it is expected that a couple slides will show illustrations with screenshot (good aesthetics and bad aesthetics on different websites) and make sure that it looks clean and professional. Please give the guide/speaker note on a word document noting the slide number. The number of slides is not limited as long as it is adequate (not too early/not too late) to cover the 10-minute time frame. Please cite the references at the end of the presentation.

Homework Help/Study Tips, Others

  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M9357

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