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This assignment should meet the following learning outcomes:

1. Develop and articulate a critical knowledge understanding and analysis of change and the management of change situations.

2. Demonstrate the ability to apply relevant change theory to practice using appropriate techniques of inquiry.

3. Analyse and critically evaluate aspects of change and leadership theory and practice under investigation.

4. Effectively communicate an appropriate solution to a particular change management and leadership case under investigation.

Assessment Details

Assessment 1: Case-Based Assignment (2,000 words- 60%)

Assessment Tasks:
1. Introduction - Cite at least 2 (two) concepts of change management and concisely discuss each. Also, identify the objectives or key points in the assignment.

2. Content and Analysis

2.1 Briefly discuss the background of the organisation under investigation and analyse the situation -or. risk that needi to be resolved.

2.2 Discuss and critically evalbate the different types of organisational change.

2.3 Based on the answers in 2.2, Identify and critically analyse the type of change that the CEO of Mercer Medical Center wants to implement.

2.4 If you were the Medical Director of Information Services, Kathryn Reed, what change theory and leadership theory would you use to overcome workers' resistance to change and drive success to the case situation?

2.5 Develop a Communication Management Plan that should be used by Mercer Medical Center to effectively manage and lead the proposed change management programme. Present the plan in tabular form with explanation. (Follow the format specified in Annex A)

Assessment: Refereed Article on Change Management

Assignment Tasks (Article Critique)

1. Write a summary of the article by identifying and explaining the author's idea and perspective and the audience. Include direct quotes from the article to illustrate your points. Identify the objectives or key points in the assignment.

2. Select theories/concepts of leading and managing change that are applicable to the article with articulated critical understanding.

3. Make a critical review of the article. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the opinions of the author -and discuss both the positive and negative points based on your overall judgment.

4. Discuss your own point of view on how change can be implemented based on your evaluation. Relate your critical analysis to any of the theoretical models of change.

5. Conclude the key points and reasons identified during the critical evaluation.

6. Implement Harvard Style of Referencing from at least 15 references with year not older than 2006 from varied sources.

Instructions: Below is a refereed article with its corresponding link for you to do critical analysis and critiquing. To illustrate your point, bring in references to provide evidence in support of your critique. Write the title of the article and name of the author in the final assignment paper.

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92557425
  • Price:- $25

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