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Theory Portion Pick the theory you liked the mostIntroduction to Paper

Break it Down

Include the most important aspects of the theory.

And why you chose this theory

Include a thoughtful commentary. Specifically, not only should you provide a general summary, but you should include a critique of the theory from your personal view.

In addition, you should include a commentary about the relationship of the research findings to your own life and personality development. (2 pages) Your comments, critique, and discussion should form the majority of the paper.

Lastly, come up with a short theory or hypothesis of your own since starting this class in regards to your own life, family background, ideas, etc. (1/2 page) This DOES NOT have to have anything to do with the theory you chose. Make it fun.


Paper Criteria

6-8 pages (not including a title and reference page) Points will be deducted for papers with length less than 6

Please include a beautifully done paper, APA format. This is imperative for this paper (visit

Include Title Page and Reference Page

Use section headers to organize your paper (Abstract, Summary of Theory, Why I chose this theory, Personal Commentary on Theory,

Personal Reflection of theory to my life, My Own Hypothesis/Theory, Conclusion)

Include 3 resources (Text as one)

All papers must be typed and use correct grammar/spelling/punctuation

APA format (i.e., cite your reference using APA guidelines, double-space, 12-point font, 1-inch margins) - see Landmarks Citation Machine for assistance in converting your references into APA style

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  • Reference No.:- M92385188
  • Price:- $10

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