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The Zookeeper's Wife

In a 3-page essay, and in MLA format, please respond to one of the following questions. Make sure to use at least three, specific examples from the text to support your thesis. Also, the essay should include a Works Cited page as well as a good use of quotes and paraphrasing.

1. Antonina and Jan undergo many struggles throughout the narrative. In what way, does Antonina or Jan change the most?

2. The zoo becomes a safe haven for many during the holocaust, and it also houses many animals. What role does the zoo play in the story, i.e. what does it represent or symbolize?

3. Compare and contrast The Zookeepers Wife with another survival story. In what way are the two most similar and/or different?

4. Why is it important or relevant to study the Holocaust today?

5. Ackerman's narrative uses many strategies. What effect does her organization/structure have on the reader? I look forward to your response.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92163557
  • Price:- $20

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