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The weekly discussion is a two part assignment based on questions posted each week in the discussion.

Part one must be completed by 11:59 pm on Wednesday :

Pick one of the questions below and post a 200 - 300 word discussion. You discussion should be well thought out and based on critical thinking. Your posting should be supported by reference to the reading in our book.

Part two due by 11:59 PM Friday:

Reply to three of your classmates post using critical thinking and positive feedback.

You must post your 200 - 300 word discussion first before you are allowed to see the other students postings and make your required three reply.

Research the subject of criminal punishment and the Eighth Amendment. How has this amendment been interpreted and applied by the Supreme Court in the past thirty years? How does criminal punishment differ now from a century ago? From twenty years ago?

Recent research indicates that the use of lethal injection may cause severe physical pain and suffering that is not detectable to observers when executioners use combinations of drugs that paralyze the condemned prisoner instead of rendering the prisoner completely unconscious before death. If prisoners are conscious, paralyzed, and suffering from severe physical pain in addition to severe emotional distress, does this method of execution constitute impermissibly "cruel and unusual punishment" under contemporary standards, in light of the fact that other drugs are available that would render the prisoner unconscious during the process?

Use of force is a controversial subject within most police departments. Many departments are now using a taser as form of less lethal force; however, there is an increase in taser deaths in the last several years. Are tasers and appropriate method to utilize if some type of force is needed? What other methods would you advocate? Should officers carrying tasers then be forced to endure a training session where, they themselves, are shot? Why or why not?

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  • Reference No.:- M92374547
  • Price:- $20

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