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The text discusses "Theoretical Perspectives in Sociology" in chapter 2. As a student, you sociologically view the world in a particular way. Do you see the world as a place where things simply "work out" (structural functionalism), or is it constantly in conflict (conflict theory)? Perhaps you see the world primarily as a place that is about relationships between people (symbolic interactionism).

Write an essay (750-1,000 words) that addresses the following:

Define and explain the three ways to view the world "sociologically."

Identify which sociological perspective (structural functionalism, conflict theory, symbolic interactionism) most closely represents your view of the world.

Describe the factors that have caused you to view the world through that perspective, such as personal experience in our society, popular culture, media, etc. In addition, use an example from world events that demonstrates evidence of your theory.

Briefly explain why you did not choose each of the other two perspectives being careful to demonstrate that you understand the other perspectives.

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  • Reference No.:- M92093574
  • Price:- $45

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