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The success of the hospitality industry is especially dependent on teamwork. In order to provide exceptional customer service, team members need to have the same focus and goals. Forming a team can be a tedious process. Matching the team goals with the skills of the team members can be difficult and time consuming. Once a team is formed, the members must come together and share a vision of what their task encompasses

Identify a team in a hospitality organization that you either are a part of or aspire to join. Identify the designations and roles of the other members of the team. Share the vision of the team—the basic purpose for which the team was formed. Describe the possible challenges that the team faced in its earlier stages of development?

Do you think teams in the hospitality industry are effective? Justify your answer with an experience as a guest in a hospitality establishment; the experience can be either your own or of someone, you know.

Operation Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Operation Management
  • Reference No.:- M91949446

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