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The scenario: You are the manger and owner of a computer retail store located near a local university campus (give the store and university any names you want). You have sold fewer PCs in recent years due to the strong demand for Macs among university students. Due to this, you decide to write a communication to reach all student housing units. Your goal is to encourage students to purchase PCs at your store. You can do online research to help you contrast PCs with Macs and identify pricing and benefit levels. In the communication, attempt to show students the advantages of PCs compared to Macs and get them to take specific steps to learn more about them and potentially purchase a PC at your store (call to action). You decide on what is the best communication channel to use to reach these students and why. Follow the guidelines and components for persuasive messages in “Chapter 10: Persuasive Messages” in the textbook and PPTs. Pay particular attention to the “External Messages” and “Mass Sales Messages” sections of this chapter as they provide some examples and techniques that you may want to incorporate into this assignment.

Follow the 3 Step Process Below:

Part 1: Plan • Do research to understand the differences between Macs and PC. • Determine which facts and information would be most persuasive and likely to appeal to your audience • Determine your complete message. • Incorporate appropriately the components of persuasive messages (summarized at end of chapter/p. 327). • Create a correctly formatted (typed) outline that divides the necessary information into paragraphs.

Part 2: Write • Write the email. MAX word count = 250. • Don’t forget to put your information in the format of your chosen communication channel (i.e. for an email, include to/from, subject line, email signature, introduction, main persuasive arguments, concluding statement with a call to action). • Create your communication so that it has high skim value and easy navigational design.

Part 3: Revise • Proofread your first draft for grammar, spelling, and punctuation. • Edit for clarity and conciseness. • Ensure you are communicating information in a persuasive manner and incorporating a call to action.

Operation Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Operation Management
  • Reference No.:- M92558755

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