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The president of a chain of department stores believes that her stores' total sales have been showing a linear trend since 1980. She uses Microsoft Excel to obtain the partial output below. The dependent variable is sales (in millions of dollars), while the independent variable is coded years, where 1980 is coded as 0, 1981 is coded as 1, etc. Summary Output Regression Statistics Multiple R 0.604 R Square 0.365 Adjusted R Square 0.316 Standard Error 4.800 Observations 17 Coefficients Intercept 31.2 Coded Year 0.78 Referring to Table 16-8, the fitted trend value (in millions of dollars) for 1986 is __________.

Summary Output

Regression Statistics

Multiple R 0.604

R Square 0.365

Adjusted R Square 0.316

Standard Error 4.800

Observations 17


Intercept 31.2

Coded Year 0.78

Referring to the Table 16-8, the fitted value (in millions of dollars) for 1986 is ________.

Operation Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Operation Management
  • Reference No.:- M92025329

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