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The paper should be from 2,000 to 3,000 in length (8-12 pges) and contain a separate title or cover page and separate pages for the list of reference sources.

The paper is expected to be authoritative, and based on at least 10 high-quality sources (i.e., no Wikipedia, newspaper, or web page citations allowed). Use the umuc library to find relevant journal or respected trade publication articles for your report. The majority of reference sources should be from recent publications no older than five years. Follow the APA format (6th ed.) for the paper and for all citations, figures, tables, and the list of references. You may include in your paper any of the articles assigned as readings, as well as any other reference sources encountered during the course. The style and content appropriate for an academic literature review can be seen in most scholarly journals found in peer-reviewed literature. Most articles will contain a section called, Literature Review. Look over a few to get a feel for the general style of writing expected.

The report should exhibit graduate-level writing, in terms of grammar, punctuation, format, quality of analysis, coherence, insight, logical flow, and reasoning. The paper is NOT an essay, how to, or opinion piece, it is to be a research report based fully on facts and data derived from appropriate sources in the literature. Provide a reference citation for EVERY statement of fact you include in your paper.  Do NOT string together direct quotes from reference source. More than three quotes within the paper will be too many. Write in your own words and include quote marks for ALL material copied from other sources. Remember, a literature review tells what other experts and researchers have discovered, NOT what you know or think. Save your own opinions about what all the facts mean for the conclusion of the review.

Literature Review Individual Paper

Assignment Criteria: write review of the literature that describes the findings of other researchers related to a specific topic in the Project Management field.

The objective of the research paper is to enable you to conduct independent academic research in an area directly related to the course subject matter. Your efforts will generate a high-quality written report summarizing the results of your research into the current scholarly and relevant trade literature related to your chosen topic. 

1. Title page and Abstract of the paper (Style according to the rules of the APA format.)

2. Final paper (Containing 8-12 page, double spaced, 12 point font, one inch margins on all sides) 

3. References - List of every reference source cited in the paper (and only cited sources), entered in correct APA format. At least 10 sources should be listed and cited within the report. Using the topic below

Project Proposal

Topic: Project Management Tools 

Briefly describe how the topic relates to project management. 

Project management call for attentiveness of social skills, personal skills and a distinctive environmental test and leadership in cost and psychological problems and effectively to these problems. It is not easy to distinguish involving the role of the project manager as well as management tools and leadership, and project management.

State a concrete, specific research question to guide your review of the literature. (State the research question in true question format, not as an intention or objective)

Does the use of project management tools lead to a higher likelihood of project success?

List at least one suitable reference source in APA format related to your topic. 

Successful project managers are also interpersonal and leadership skills, to effectively manage project teams. These skills are effective project management tools of the most important tasks of the research for development. The intention of the study is to expand a competency sculpt, which may be used to successfully manage projects; It offers an exclusive talent in the winding up on the leadership of the project management. Time, the budget and the quality of the project are the success in many definitions of accomplishment in project management (Kaulio, 2008). The quality of the company process of the project management, presentation and rally to the prospect of the project partners, which in addition can be used to look at the budget, quality and time should not be satisfactory to assess the triumph of the project


Kaulio M., (2008) Project leadership in multi-project settings: Findings from a critical incident study, International Journal of Project Management, 26, 338-347 

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92385363
  • Price:- $30

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