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Assignment: The main purpose of this assignment is to examine how people understand the Cold War today. For illustration, what do everyday people today think of when they hear the term “Cold War”? This is what you are going to find out!

In this assignment, you will do short interviews with three people, asking them regarding their conceptions of the Cold War. Your interviewees can be anyone of your choosing: family members, friends, and so forth. Below are some recommended problems that you might want to ask:

1) What are the words or phrases come to mind when you think of the term Cold War?

2) Did you ever study the Cold War in school? If so, what are certain aspects of the Cold War that you memorize?

3) Who were the parties included in the Cold War?

4) Can you name any key events which we mainly relate with the Cold War?

Take notes on what each of your respondents say. You will require such notes to refer to later when you do the formal prepare-up of the assignment.

After you have done the assignment, prepare up your findings in a short essay, which addresses the following:

1) Using quotes from your interviews, describe how each of your three respondents understand the Cold War.

2) Describe to what extent their definition or understanding of the Cold War differs from the definition above.

3) If your respondents’ understanding of the Cold War is different from the way the Cold War is defined in this course, elucidate why that might be the case. (As well if their definition of the Cold War is very similar, elucidate this as well!)

Your essay must be 2-3 pages in length (500–700 words)

• Double spaced
• #12 font –Times New Roman
• 1” margins on all sides
• Separate cover page and reference page
• The minimum of one (1) outside (comprising texts from the course, if you like) scholarly source.

Note: Wikipedia, encyclopedias, and encyclopedia-type sources (, and such) are not considered academic sources.

Homework Help/Study Tips, Others

  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M9319

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