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The following are topics to be considered for your "5 pages" APA research term paper

Choose a topic listed below, research it and state your position but... support your position with research and data, using verified sources or scholar and avoid wiki. You should have "7 pages" in total for your paper. No abstract is needed. Please make sure you site appropriately. Avoid similarity for your paper, Make it original as possible.

1- cover page

2- body

3- body

4- body

5- body

6- body

7- reference page


  • Should marijuana be legal in every state?
  • Should pregnant drug users be prosecuted?
  • Is harm reduction a desirable national drug control policy goal?
  • Are too many children receiving ritalin?
  • Is total abstinence the only choice for alcoholics?
  • Is Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) an Effective Program?
  • Should the decision to use anabolic steroids be left to athletes?
  • Does drug abuse treatment work?

Homework Help/Study Tips, Others

  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92364094
  • Price:- $25

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