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The film "Listen to My Story" discusses numerous factors that can affect the quality of communication with crime victims. After viewing the film, submit a post in which you rank-order the three most important factors affecting this communication. Be sure to fully explain your reasons for selecting these factors and for their ordering of importance, making specific reference to both : 1) the film and 2) our text, the "Communication" unit PowerPoint or both the text and the PPT.

After you have submitted your post, please read at least one of the other students' posts and submit a response citing at least one aspect with which you respectfully disagree. Due dates are listed in the module heading.

***Extra credit: For an extra credit point, respond to at least one student who responded to your posting, or respond to at least one other student who responded to another student's posting, and keep the dialogue going!

Grading Scheme: "High Pass" = 5 points. You posted your response and made reference to the film as well as the text and/or the PPT; you responded to at least one other student's posting with respectful disagreement; "Pass" = 3 points. You posted a response but did make the required references and/or respond to at least one other student's posting with respectful disagreement; "Fail"= 0 points. You did not post a response and you did not respond to at least one other student's posting with respectful disagreement.

In order to access the film, click on the link below. You will have to enter your user name and password, if required. Then in the "Search All Content" box on the right side of the top banner, type in "Listen to My Story." After the film loads, press the "Play" arrow in the middle of the screen to view it.

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92382732
  • Price:- $15

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