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The completion of this assignment requires you to demonstrate the ability to:

- Identify and critically evaluate environmental factors that can affect organisational success.

Categorise and analyse the environmental factors at play and consider their impact on the Organisation under consideration.

- Apply consistently in-depth knowledge and reference relevant marketing management theories/concepts. Generate a variety of ways of tackling a selected problem and identify options that have a chance of success in the organisation under consideration.

- Identify quantitative and qualitative "information gaps", and the relevant sources needed to fill such lacunae. Prepare and use IT to aid efficient searching, evaluation and selection of information, exploring alternative lines of enquiry where appropriate. Present information effectively, including evidence to support your conclusions.

- Identify and critically assess in a comprehensive fashion the current marketing strategies employed by the organisation in its market. Evaluate and synthesise information from different sources, theories and principles, and communicate relevant information effectively, and with accuracy. Put forward relevant and robust strategic recommendations for the organisation.

- Critically analyse the effectiveness of your strategy, including factors that had an impact on the outcomes, and identify ways to take the firm/organisation forward.

Referral Assignment and Guidelines

You are required to undertake secondary research into the current Omani Personal Computer
market. As a result of this research, you will identify a product that is currently underperforming relative to its closest competitors.

1. Using a variety of marketing theories and concepts, and material derived from secondary sources of information, critically evaluate the extent and nature of the current impact of external environmental forces upon the product.

2. Using contemporary marketing theories/concepts, critically evaluate the current marketing strategy being employed for your chosen product and put forward strategic marketing mix recommendations to improve the product's performance.

Suggested Approach to the Assignment:

1. Summary of the market under consideration: A brief summary of the market and its environment, identifying the key issues. This should provide the background/context within which you will answer the questions.

2. Addressing each part of the question: The main body of your work where each part of the question is addressed. (This part may have a few sections / sub-sections). The key criteria here include:

a. Research - evidence of systematic approach, depth of research undertaken; application of some relevant marketing concepts and/or theories .

b. Analysis - well focussed on answering the question, depth and clarity of argument, organising/summarising the key issues stemming from your investigation on the market, and integrating the discussion. Your understanding will be demonstrated by your ability to apply your marketing knowledge to your answer.

c. Scholarly practice - a proper referencing within your work, employing appropriate marketing vocabulary, etc., the quality of the Reference section. (Harvard style of referencing).

3. Conclusion/recommendation: A clear, concise, and relevant conclusion and recommendations.Your conclusion should contain a summary of the key aspects that have emerged from your analysis, and a consideration of the implications (both current and future). Your recommendations must be specific and relevant to your chosen product and its market.

4. Presentation: Neat layout, and headings / sub-headings where appropriate. Clarity of expression (appropriate language, grammar, spelling, etc.).

- Demonstrate a thorough understanding of the questions
- Display knowledge of the concepts/theories involved and an ability to apply them effectively.
- Provide evidence of further reading, including academic journals.
- Demonstrate the ability to select critical aspects of the market environment and strategy of your chosen product, evaluate them and communicate the conclusions and strategic recommendations effectively

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  • Category:- Homework Help/Study Tips
  • Reference No.:- M92360953
  • Price:- $70

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