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The company is one that is offering an online service that will help establish an individual's strengths and weakness through a series of surveys.

Three surveys

1. Communication

2. Statistical analysis

3. Social Skills

Summary of the Four Ps please expand on these points

· Product- Offering an online service that will help establish an individual's strengths and weakness through a series of surveys.

· Place- Bunseki is an online based company and as a result of this its presence will be mainly be online.

· Price: It is a service for students and we will start off initially with a free trail to gain market share.

· Promotion: Since we are online, a majority of our promotions will also be done online. We will be promoting our company through our Twitter and Facebook pages, where we will have updates posted frequently online to keep our followers engaged.

Marketing Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Marketing Management
  • Reference No.:- M92558281
  • Price:- $40

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