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The best strategies often fail not because they weren’t good strategies, but because they weren’t implemented properly. One of the most important aspects of implementing a good strategy is ensuring that the organization is designed in a way that will properly support the plan.

In Week 4 you identified a generic strategic direction for a selected organization( Differentiation strategy for Subway ); in Week 5 you narrowed down that strategic direction and identified possible alternative strategies and then narrowed those alternatives down to ONE specific strategy to implement for either Southwest or Subway. (Week 5 alternatives suggested - 1)new product line, which could be priced higher, but completely organic 2) introduce a new product line of health drinks which are fruit based and customized as per customers choice on the spot)

Using that specific strategy, identify what type of organizational design would best support that strategy. Provide a high-level overview of the organizational design – be sure to fully explain the design and why it was selected to support the strategic direction and, more importantly, the specific strategy to be implemented.

Operation Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Operation Management
  • Reference No.:- M92506993

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