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The Annotated Bibliography for the major project is due this week. An annotated bibliography is an organized list of sources (e.g., list of references), each accompanied by a brief summary.

An annotated bibliography is a preliminary exercise to a major project, in which the author selects sources, reviews them, and takes notes to decide how these sources will be part of the complete work. This initial research will help you to substantiate the major paper, especially the sections entitled "Literature Review," "Analysis," and "Recommendations." Remember that these topics are based in the organizational problem statement presented during Week 1. 

  • Identify eight (8) sources (other than the textbook) in the DeVry Library Resources. One reliable database to research for peer reviewed sources is EBSCOhost. To access and use EBSCOhost for your research, use this link:
  • Complete the annotated bibliography and preset using APA format guidelines.

An example of an entry in an annotated bibliography is as follows:

Hossein G., Nematia, B., Ehsania, A., & Amelehb, K. N. (2012). Analyzing effects of service encounter quality on customer satisfaction in the banking industry. Management Science Letters, 16(2), 859-868

Hossein et al. (2012) reported how scholars have found that quality in the service sector can relate to three aspects of quality with tangible and intangible aspects, such as interactive, corporate, and physical quality. Interactive quality is measured by the two way flow of interchanges between the client and service provider; that can be face-to-face or through automated systems. Corporate quality refers to the positioning and branding that the service offers to the consumer, and physical quality refers to all tangible aspects of the services, such as location, facilities, and equipment. However, the definition of quality in service also relates to the perceptions of the customer. The tool named SERVQUAL combines in one measurement tool both customer's expectations and service performance. Adjudicated to Parasuraman in 1985 (as in Hossein et al., 2012), this tool has become popular in the service industry during the 1990s and 2000s. SERVQUAL classified five dimensions of services as tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. Using this model, Hossein et al. created an additional tool to measure customer service using five dimensions and 24 specific indicators. This tool can be used by other organizations in the service industry to track the levels of customer service and responsiveness that a company exhibits.

Remember to submit your assignment for grading when finished.

For additional instructions on this final project, please see the Major Paper Requirements and Major Paper Outline documents in the Files section of the Course Menu.

EvaluationResearch Sources

  1. The annotated bibliography must have a minimum of eight scholarly sources.
  2. Review the following document for instructions on how to access and use EBSCOhost for your research: EBSCOhost (Links to an external site.) Links to an external site..

Paper Format

  1. All papers should be single sided, double-spaced, using 12-point font.
  2. The first page should include the title of the work, student name, course number, date, and professor name.
  3. Follow APA style for general format and citations (see APA Guidelines tutorial in the Syllabus).
  4. Language should be clear, concise, and precise.
  5. Tone should be professional, consistent, and not filled with jargon. Rules of academic writing suggest avoiding contractions, using third person voice, avoiding idioms and colloquialisms, and controlling the use of passive voice.
  6. Grammar and syntax (sentence structure) must be correct.
  7. Report must be free of misspellings and typos.

Turnitin is used on all reports and projects. A report can be obtained for your review prior to submitting your final work. Make sure that you are in compliance with the University's 20/80 rule.

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92378500
  • Price:- $35

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