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The Activity:

This reflection activity is designed for you to explore the social construction of race by sorting people into various racial groups based on phenotype and/or appearance. You will need to go to: and click the Begin Sorting button.Directions for Sorting

When you begin sorting simply drag and drop the picture into a slot under the racial category you think that person belongs. There are only 4 spots per racial category so be sure to choose carefully. After you finish sorting, click "next", it will show you your guesses and the correct answers. Record the number you got right, click "conclusion" and read the screen. After you have sorted the people, click "close" return to the original screen and click "explore traits" underneath "Begin Sorting". Examine both the skin color AND blood type screens taking notes on what you see and learn.

Guidelines for Written Reflection

1. Compare your results on the Sorting People exercise with the definition of race provided by the textbook. Does the definition of "race or racial group" given by our book make sense given your experience with the Sorting People exercise? You should use your ‘results' (the amount you got right vs. wrong) as ‘evidence' to answer this question.

2. What are your thoughts on race after completing this exercise? How does this exercise illustrate the socially constructed nature of race? What is the definition of race that our society should use? Discuss the skin color and blood type information.

The text required to be used in this essay is Schaefer, Richard. 2015. Racial and Ethnic Groups. 14th edition or 13th ed. Pearson.

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  • Reference No.:- M91722347
  • Price:- $35

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