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Psychopathology : Foundations for a Contemporary Understanding by James E. Maddux and Barbara A. Winstead

Original Question:

For this week's Forum, respond to the following: What is the primary distinguishing feature between Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa? Review the research findings on societal and familial factors which can contribute to the manifestation and maintenance of these disorders.
Reply to the following response with 200 words minimum.

(please make response as if having a conversation, respond directly to some of the statements in below post. This is not providing an analysis of the original post. Respectfully address it and even ask clarifying or additional questions.)

Major Depressive Disorder: Characteristically has no mania, hypomania, or mixed episodes. It is a highly recurrent disorder that comes back in episodes. It usually effects more women than men. It can affect everything from one's mood, to one's energy level.

The symptoms usually include a depressed mood, loss of interest in activities that are usually enjoyed, irritability, low energy, feeling of worthlessness, clouded thoughts or difficulty concentrating, and even suicidal thoughts. Major depressive disorder can cause life stressors, which can lead to a cycle of chronic stress and impairment.

Bipolar I Disorder: Bipolar disorder can involve manic, hypomanic, and depressive episodes. To be Bipolar I, a person must have at least one manic episode, and usually at least one major depressive episode. There are more frequent, but more brief episodes. There can be a slowing of psychomotor skills. Bipolar disorder is usually inherited genetically and passed down through generations.

Bipolar II Disorder: A person must have at least one major depressive episode, and one hypomanic episode. There are more frequent, but briefer episodes. There can be a slowing of psychomotor skills. Bipolar disorder is usually inherited genetically and passed down through generations and effects both genders equally.

Cyclothymic Disorder: It is a chronic condition of hypomanic and depressive episodes that may last for years. It is less severe episodes, but they almost become ones normal state, and they begin to depend on their disorder. People with this disorder will often use their hypomanic state to make up for their depressive state by working over time at their job to catch up on their projects.

They have to utilize this time before they slip into another depressive episode. There are hypomanic episodes and depressive episodes. If a person has cyclothymic disorder, they are at a great risk of bipolar I and II disorder.

My question to the class is that if more people understood how severe these conditions can be, and just how many people they affect, do you think there should be a stronger push for mental health treatment, and do you think that talking about these disorders will help to remove the stigma from seeking treatment to allow people the freedom to get the help they need?


Psychopathology : Foundations for a Contemporary Understanding, edited by James E. Maddux, and Barbara A. Winstead, Taylor and Francis, 2012.

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