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TEXTBOOK: Title: Strategic Management: A Competitive Advantage Approach, Concepts and Cases Author: Fred David, Forest R. David Publisher: Pearson - Prentice Hall Year Published: 2017 Edition: 16th ISBN-13: 9780134167848

Essay Exercises

Use an outside source when answering each question.

1. Based upon the cultures discussed in Chapters 11, while in Egypt, how would you conduct yourself in trying to get business from a large client.

2. Based upon the readings in Chapter 11 and the culture of businesspeople in India, if you were trying to get a large and lucrative account while attempting to be polite, how would you conduct your yourself in a business meeting?

3. Marketing is a very important aspect in business. Furthermore, if the marketing mix is not conducive to the target market, the product or service will fail. Consider the following scenario and explain where you would have the product sold (store), promotions and promoter (perhaps celebrities) you would use, and how you would position the product.

a. Athletic shoe for training

b. Price $39.99

c. Low to medium quality

4. You have a business you are considering selling. There are several ways to determine the firms worth. Based on the following data, which method would merit you the most for your business. 

  • 2016 annual profits were $500,000
  • Your current stock is 25.00 per share
  • There are 20,400 outstanding shares of stock.
  • Your stock as earned $5 this past year, and
  • Average net income over five years $95,000

Consider in this calculation the Price/Ratio Method, outstanding share method, and the conservative rule of thumb. Show your work for each of these methods and identify, based on your work, which method yield you the most for your business.

5. ABC Corporation is an electronic manufacturer headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. Although they are earning impressive profits, they are getting pressure from some of the board of directors to either find new markets or reduce their liabilities. The President is very concerned about the organization's finances because he knows growth is limited in the electronic industry. To further his concern, a new tax is about to be enacted which will further increase their liabilities. The President has mentioned several times that he is tired of paying outrageous corporate taxes and now it looks as though he is about to pay more. The President calls a board member and requests that the organization re-locate to another country where taxes are limited. He proposes that paying less taxes will solve their problem. One of the board members likes the idea, but asks is it ethical to leave the US, yet still depend on US for buying their products? What do you think. Validate your comments.

Business Management, Management Studies

  • Category:- Business Management
  • Reference No.:- M92392793
  • Price:- $25

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